Zamir Equities: Getting Ahead of the Curve in Office Building Re-Opening Safety
NEW YORK, Aug. 04, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — As the country continues to
come out of lockdown, Zamir Equities is delighted to announce revisions made to the
structures and procedures for most of our office buildings in order to limit touch points, maintain 6 feet of social distancing, and help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
As the company is headquartered in New York, one of the cities COVID-19 has hit
hardest, Zamir Equities is excited to be ahead of the curve and taking what we’ve
learned here to apply as it will be relevant to our portfolio of properties. “Employee and tenant safety continues to be our highest priority,” says Asher Zamir, CEO/Founder of Zamir Equities. “We look forward to keeping everyone safe. We have
consistently achieved high rates of tenant retention because of our commitment to
safety standards.”
One significant new addition to many of our large building lobbies is the installation of Seek Scan thermal temperature screening systems. Utilizing a non-contact,
noninvasive screening procedure, these infrared scanning systems will test for an
elevated temperature one person at a time, taking a facial temperature and providing a pass/fail result. Temperature screenings will be required for all employees,
contractors, and visitors entering the building.
In addition, there are new contactless visitor sign-in systems that have been installed
in most lobbies, with new plexiglass added to concierge desks to protect employees.
To better control the traffic flow, access points will be limited to just one entrance and
In order to keep buildings sanitized and safe after the re-opening, janitorial staffing has been increased in most buildings, and there will be strict adherence to the cleaning guidelines established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. With the added staff, we are making sure that elevator and lobby buttons will be constantly wiped down. In addition, HVAC system filters have been changed and fresh air intake has been increased to 100% in accordance with ASHRAE and CDC standards. To help facilitate cleanliness and healthy behavior, hand sanitizer stations have been put in place in many common areas and lobbies.
There are also updated policies and procedures for tenants and guests in order to
promote safety. For example, face masks will now be required in most building
common areas, and many elevators and restrooms will be restricted to occupancy by
just two individuals at a time. In addition, there are new markers, signage, and guide
posts to indicate the maintenance of 6 feet of social distance, and buildings with
security personnel and onsite management staff will also offer verbal reminders and
assistance to help people maintain the guidelines.
Tenants should also know that food deliveries will not be permitted inside any of our
buildings – instead, all delivery persons should be met outside and food then brought in by tenants. For more guidance in our initiatives to reduce risks, there will be Weekly Zoom COVID-19 Task Force Meetings for tenants with continuous updates and assistance to help businesses restart operations.
Judy Malin, who oversees the property management of the portfolio, notes: “We are
excited to be working with Zamir Equities to implement state-of-the-art technology and new procedures to ensure guidelines will be followed. We’re delighted to be at the
forefront in efforts

About Zamir Equities
Founded by Asher Zamir in 2003, Zamir Equities is a privately held New York
City-based, integrated real estate private equity firm. Currently, Zamir Equities owns and manages cumulative properties in excess of a quarter billion dollars, and 1.4 million square feet. Recognized for their astute acquisition proficiency, along with unparalleled real estate management, leasing and marketing experience, Zamir Equities specializes in risk-adjusted market returns in both undervalued and stabilized real estate assets. Zamir Equities is headquartered in the heart of midtown Manhattan in the Fred F. French Building, a magnificent 38-story art deco building erected in 1927, and listed on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places.